2nd Greek Open Day

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The 2nd Greek Open Day was co-organized on September 29th 2023, by the two Greek partners of the project (Research University Institute of Communication & Computer Systems – ICCS, Agricultural University of Athens – AUA) and their Living Labs.

The meeting was organized as part of the “Researcher’s night” (https://www.ntua.gr/ntuaren/). The researcher night was held in Athens, the main urban center of Greece. Although the prefecture of Athens does not focuses on milk production there are some very large milk processing plants and also harbours the majority of the large academic institutions relative to the dairy value chain.

The Nano/bio and the ICT Living Labs were set-up in a shared kiosk in the exhibition.

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This project has been funded with the support of the ENI CBC MED Programme of the European Union. This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and neither the European Commission nor the ENI CBC MED programme can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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