< 1 mn read

DairyTech Open Day in Lebanon

< 1 mn readELCIM at Industrial Research Institute (IRI) and Berytech are happy to invite you to the second DairyTech Open Day, an online event engaging participants and stakeholders to co-create the future, explore business opportunities and respond to the most pressing challenges of the Dairy Value Chain (DVC).   Kindly find the agenda for your reference and the zoom link to access the DairyTech Open Day.   https://zoom.us/j/93072432530?pwd=NVJCb290ZStVNGt5dERSSmJSZkZ5UT09   Meeting ID: […]


This project has been funded with the support of the ENI CBC MED Programme of the European Union. This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and neither the European Commission nor the ENI CBC MED programme can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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