Newsletter TRANSDAIRY – TRANSborder Key Enabling Technologies and Living Labs for the DAIRY value

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Issue #1

TRANSborder Key Enabling Technologies and Living Labs for the DAIRY value

Project description

The Dairy Value Chain (DVC) confronts joint challenges at Mediterranean cross-bor­der level: the growing mar­ket demand for high quality and safety and the industria­lization of farming and glo­balization. In this context, cross border cooperation is needed to create the criti­cal mass of research resul­ts marketable by spin-offs to cover the entire DVC.

The TRANSDAIRY project, coordinated by L. Zeni – Uni­versity of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, intends to enhan­ce the technological transfer among research, industry and SMEs in the fields of Key Enabling Technologies (KET) applied to the DVC. To do so, it will establish 8 cross-bor­der Living Labs, increase institutional capacity throu­gh specialized trainings, provide a market analysis for the new products and services enabled by KETS.

I It is expected to provide new tools and techniques for a more efficient and su­stainable DVC, which will decrease the delivery ti­mes, waste and logistic co­sts, increase, and improve the quality and safety of milk and dairy products.


To enhance the technologi­cal transfer among resear­ch, industry and SMEs in the fields of Key Enabling Tech­nologies applied to the Dairy Value Chain, by the creation 2 TRANSDAIRY NEWSLETTER

of Living Labs, the increase of institutional capacities through training, and the de­velopment of market intelli­gence for sustainability and consolidation of spin-offs.

What will be improved?

The involved regions sha­re a DVC based on small farms generally family-run whose younger members tend to flee from such de­manding jobs, faced by competition which offer low cost and low-quality im­ports. These regions are also facing climate change.

TRANSDAIRY will try to mo­dernize some practices and help the transition towards a model more adapted to the reality of today´s globaliza­tion. Besides creating jobs, it will increase the quality and safety of dairy products, increase productivity, adopt new solutions and increase small farmers´ revenues.

Who will benefit?

Government Research Agencies and Universi­ties

The Dairy Value chain actors: farmers, tran­sporters, distributors, etc.

Women and younger people working in the sector, seeking new op­portunities and jobs

Research entities in ICT and Bio/Nano Technolo­gies

Dairy products consu­mers


Expected achievements

8 Living Labs set up: 4 in Biotechnologies and 4 in ICT

2 web platforms laun­ched for pre-competitive analysis of products and services

8 training courses imple­mented with at least 200 beneficiaries

16 vouchers for spin-off establishment

12 vouchers for co-deve­lopment of patents

28 vouchers for co-pu­blication on KETs


“Cross border cooperation is needed to create the critical mass of research results marketable by spin-offs to cover the entire DVC”

“Provide new tools and

techniques for a more efficient and sustainable DVC”TRANSDAIRY NEWSLETTER 3


to policy-making

Transdairy is in-line with most regional and national plans for innovation. In Cam­pania and Piedmont, the innovation policy network provides multiple initiati­ves of regional develop­ment and agriculture plans. In MPC, the involvement of public entities from Tunisia and Lebanon is an asset to make sure the outcomes of the projects will be suppor­ted at policy making level. 4 TRANSDAIRY NEWSLETTER



ISBST – Institut Supérieur de Biotechnologie de Sidi Thabet,


Biotechpôle de SidiThabet, Université de la Manouba (TN)

AUB – American University of Beirut (LB)


American University or Beirut (LB)

OEP – Office de l’élevage et des Paturages (TN)

ISTIC – Institut Supérieur des Technologies de l’Information


et de laCommunication (TN)

Master & Co srl (IT)

Agribator (GR)


Interview with Dr. Fatma Trabelsi

Chair of the TRANSDAIRY steering committee and responsible at ESIM



– Dr. Trabelsi, is the Living Lab approach to the dairy value chain, something innovative for the Tunisian partners?

– The first time we discus­sed about the project, I was readily attracted by the living Labs and Spin-off concepts. I had already my little idea about these structures and Transdairy offered me the opportuni­ty to apply them in Tunisia.

– Dr. Trabelsi, how is the si­tuation of dairy production in the area where you work?

– The higher education insti­tution [ESIM] to which I be­long is located in one of the most important milk-produ­cing regions of the country, with already some ancestral traditional know-how in dairy products production.

– Dr. Trabelsi, what could be Transdairy impact on the dairy value chain in Tunisia?

– I am very optimistic and hope that Transdairy will sup­port the regional develop­ment based on the technolo­gical transfer in the field of added-value dairy products and help to create new jobs and professional careers.


Dr. Fatma TRABELSI is the Principal Investigator of the TRANSDAIRY (ENI CBC MED) from the Partner 9, the Hi­gher School of Engineers of Medjez El Bab (ESIM). She is the chair of the Steering committee of the project and responsible of its communi­cation and dissemination.

About her curriculum, she is a teacher-researcher at ESIM specialist in Geo-infor­mation and Hydrogeology. She has significant expe­rience in the coordination of international projects where she was a Principal Investi­gator of ten R & D projects in the fields of Climate Chan­ge and Agriculture, water resources management, Agri-Food, capacity buil­ding for higher education, rural waste management… These projects were funded by different grants such as EU_PRIMA, EU_ERASMUS+, EU_ENI CBC MED, PEER_ NAS_USAID, KAFACI, Ko­rean Tunisian cooperation, Indian Tunisian cooperation.


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This project has been funded with the support of the ENI CBC MED Programme of the European Union. This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and neither the European Commission nor the ENI CBC MED programme can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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