< 1 mn read

The TRANSDAIRY Living Lab Handbook

< 1 mn readThe TRANSDAIRY Living Lab Handbook serves as a comprehensive guide to the innovative and dynamic living laboratory dedicated to transforming the dairy industry. This handbook encapsulates the essence of the TRANSDAIRY Living Lab, offering a detailed overview of its mission, objectives, and methodologies. It provides a glimpse into the collaborative efforts and cutting-edge research conducted […]

2 mn read

Living Lab TRANSDAIRY: Researchers & Young Entrepreneurs pitch their future spin-offs in Tunisia

2 mn readAs part of the activities of the TRANSDAIRY Living Lab (Bio/Nano & ICT) of the Higher School of Engineers of Medjez El Bab (ESIM), ESIM in collaboration with the associate partner Livestock and Pasture Office (OEP) has organized a workshop entitled “Pitch your Spin-off” on July 07, 2022, at Tunis Grand Hotel, Tunis. This workshop […]

2 mn read

”INNOVAZIONE NELLA FILIERA LATTIERO CASEARIA” – Innovation Village – Giovedì 6 maggio 2021, ore 14 – 16

2 mn readL’evento INNOVAZIONE NELLA FILIERA LATTIERO CASEARIA  si svolgerà nell’ambito della VI edizione di Innovation Village giovedì 6 maggio dalle 14 alle 16 su piattaforma digitale Teams.  Il tavolo di lavoro è promosso dal Prof. Luigi Zeni dell’Università della Campania nell’ambito del progetto TRANSDAIRY di collaborazione transmediterranea finanziato dal programma ENI CBC MED. L’evento è un […]


This project has been funded with the support of the ENI CBC MED Programme of the European Union. This communication reflects the views only of the authors, and neither the European Commission nor the ENI CBC MED programme can be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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